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“World Roses Center” is the farm and commercial brand of roses produced by the company “Industrial y Agropecuaria CLARCOMCORP Cia. Ltda.”, founded in 2018 in the Center of the World, Tabacundo, Ecuador.

The company began its operations with the use of the rose brand “Santa Clara World Roses Center”, a name that was used as a recognition by its founders to Mrs. Clara Mesa for all her contribution to the economic and social development of Cayambe, a town near Tabacundo.

In the year 2023 the farm consolidated decided to use the name “World Roses Center”. The objective of the change was to communicate to all customers that the best roses in the world are produced in the center of the world, Tabacundo, Ecuador, in THE WORLD ROSES CENTER.

Our location

Calle 23 de noviembre, Comuna la Libertad, Tupigachi, Cayambe

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